Student Sickness
Sickness During School Hours
If your child becomes sick during school hours, we will endeavour to return them to lessons. If your child cannot continue with their school day, we will contact you to confirm that you are happy for them to be sent home.
If your child is sent home during a school day and you are unable to collect them, we will require authorisation to allow them to make their own way home.
Medicines and Painkillers
We are unable to provide students with painkillers, unless they have been supplied by a parent or guardian.
If your child requires medication to be taken during the school day, we require a consent form to be completed and all medications must be handed to our Medical Officer. The student must attend the Medical Office when doses are required. Under no circumstances must students retain prescribed medications and self-administer during the school day. A refrigerator is available for medications which must be kept cool. Please complete the form at the bottom of this page.
Uniform Allowances
If your child is unable to wear part of the school uniform due to sickness or injury (i.e. they have sprained their ankle and must wear trainers), you are required to supply the student with a letter explaining this.
Your child should report to the Pastoral Team when they first attend the school, and exchange your letter for a pink slip which must be carried with them for the duration of time they will be wearing an altered uniform.
Medical Appointments
If possible, appointments (including medical, dental, and optician) should be made out of school hours or during the school holidays. Where this cannot be arranged, we ask that the student is out of school for the minimum amount of time possible.
Students who need to leave school during normal school hours for an appointment must sign out at Student Services where they will be issued a signing out slip.
Please note that if you contact us via telephone, email, or the school app to advise us of student absence for medical appointments, this does not replace the letter from home that is needed to be shown by students at the point of signing out to leave school.
Reporting Your Child as Absent
You are required to inform the school that your child will be absent before 9am on the first day of absence, and any subsequent days thereafter. You must provide a reason for the absence, however, we may require a medical certificate to justify frequent or extensive absences.
Telephone | 01245 504504 | |
If we are not informed of your child's absence, we will contact you in order to ensure their safety and confirm their reason for being absent.
If we do not receive an explanation your child's absence, or if the explanation is unsatisfactory, we may not authorise the absence and will mark this on your child’s attendance report. This is to ensure that sickness absence is not misused, and to promote attendance levels for all students.
Queries relating to immunisations or flu jabs should be directed to the local NHS by calling 01376 302769 or emailing
Medication Consent Form

Staff Contact
Absence Reporting
01245 504 504
Mrs Jones
Attendance Welfare Officer
Mrs L Mansfield
Medical Officer