Our Values

Our vision and values are at the core of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning, and provide an environment which prepares our pupils as confident, happy citizens.
Moulsham High School has three core values which are inextricably linked: 'Enjoy, Enrich and Achieve'.
Our ethos is for students of all abilities and backgrounds to feel valued so that they can reach their potential, not only as students but also as well -rounded individuals who are prepared for life in the modern world and can contribute positively to their local and wider communities.
Our students:
- ENJOY coming to school and learning through the wide variety of experiences offered to them.
- Are ENRICHED by a wealth of opportunities both inside and outside of the taught curriculum, that also ensure all of their talents are identified and nurtured.
- ACHIEVE high standards:
- academically, in terms of the qualifications they gain.
- personally, through the quality of their relationships with others and their respect for the environment.
- socially, through their contributions to the life of the school and wider community.