Parent Forum
Moulsham High School Parent Forum formally promotes the parent voice in the life of the school and also consults regularly with parents. Representation from the local governing committee on the Parent Forum ensures that the views of parents are reported regularly to the local governing committee of the school - informing decision-making at the highest level of school management.
- To work in partnership with the school, to create a welcoming school which is inclusive for all parents
- To promote partnership between the school, its students and its parents
- To identify and represent the views of parents about the education provided by the school and other matters affecting the education and welfare of the students
- To allow for consultation with parents
Since its inception, parents have contributed their views on a number of important questions for the school, including:
- Communication and Reporting to Parents (on-line reporting or ‘real time reporting’)
- Sex and Relationships Education
- Review of Behaviour, Sanctions, Systems
- Review of the School Day
- Anti-Bullying Policy
- Uniform
Meeting arrangements
The Parent Forum aims to meet termly, the meeting dates are advertised on the school website and social media platforms.
2024/2025 Parent Forum Meetings will be on:
- Wednesday 6th November
- Wednesday 26th February
- Wednesday 7th May
All parents of a student currently attending the school are welcome to attend.
*Any personal/individual questions will be answered outside the meeting context.
Copies of meeting notes will be available to all parents of students via the school's website.
We look forward to involving you in the life of our school.
Staff Contact
Mr Kemp
Deputy Headteacher
Mr R. Wilson
Community Engagement Link Governor