Science - Key Stage 3
Through the content across all three disciplines, students should be taught:
- Scientific attitudes
- Experimental skills and investigations
- Analysis and evaluation
- Measurement
Energy, Electricity, Magnetism, Forces, Sound, Light and Space
- Energy can be transferred usefully, stored, or dissipated, but cannot be created or destroyed
- Forces are interactions between objects and can affect their shape and motion
- Electric current in circuits can produce a variety of effects
- Magnetic poles, attraction, repulsion and magnetic fields
- Waves, on water as undulations, frequencies of sound waves, pressure waves transferring energy and light waves
- Astronomy and space science provide insight into the nature and observed motions of the sun, moon, stars, planets and other celestial bodies
Particles, Elements Atoms and Compounds, Chemical Reactions, Acids, Alkalis, Metals, the Periodic Table, Separation Techniques, and the Earth
- The particle model provides explanations for the different physical properties and behaviour of matter
- Elements consist of atoms that combine together in chemical reactions to form compounds
- Elements and compounds show characteristic chemical properties and patterns in their behaviour
- Measuring acids and alkalis in terms of the pH scale, neutralisation reactions and reacting to produce salts
- The composition of Earth and Earth's structure, geological activity that is caused by chemical and physical processes and the composition of Earth's atmosphere, its changes and the impact on climate
Cells, Structure and Function of Body Systems, Reproduction, Health, Lifestyle, Ecosystems and Adaptation and Inheritance
- Life processes are supported by the organisation of cells into tissues, organs and body systems
- The human reproductive cycle includes adolescence, fertilisation and foetal development
- Conception, growth, development, behaviour and health can be affected by diet, drugs and disease
- All living things show variation, can be classified and are interdependent, interacting with each other and their environment
- Adaptation, inheritance and behaviour are influenced by internal and external factors and can be investigated and measured
How Science Works
Through their work in these areas, students are taught the methods of How Science Works. They think about the role of ideas and evidence in science, using examples from today and the work of famous scientists in the past. They also learn how to carry out scientific investigations through planning, finding and presenting evidence, thinking about what the evidence means and asking what conclusions they can reach. Students will also be given opportunities to develop their critical thinking and independent enquiry skills in a variety of contexts within this subject.