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Moulsham High School

PRE - Key Stage 5

Philosophy and Ethics is a linear A-Level.

Students study a number of philosophical, ethical and theological areas across the two years.


Unit 1: Philosophy of Religion

This unit explores the key elements of Philosophy of Religion through several different areas:


  • Ancient philosophical influences (Plato and Aristotle)
  • Soul, mind and body
  • Life after death
  • The existence of God (cosmological, design and ontological arguments)
  • Challenges to belief (including the problem of evil)
  • The nature of God
  • Religious language
  • Twentieth century perspectives


Unit 2: Religion and Ethics

This unit explores the key areas of Ethical Thought and Application through several different areas:


  • Normative ethical theory; (virtue ethics, natural law, situation ethics)
  • Applied ethics (sex and sexuality and euthanasia)
  • Ethical language
  • Meta-ethics
  • Significant ideas of freewill and conscience
  • Developments in ethical thought


Unit 3: Development of Religious (Christian)

Thought This unit explores the key areas of Christian thought and developments within it, including:


  • Human nature and purpose of life
  • The self and immortality
  • Knowledge and revelation of God
  • The Bible
  • The nature of Jesus Christ
  • Presentations of Jesus Christ
  • The challenge of secularism
  • Responses to secularism
  • Pluralism in theology
  • Pluralism in society
  • Gender in theology
  • Gender in society



In order to succeed at A level, students must have at least a grade 6 at GCSE for Religious Studies or History.


More details on this course can be found in our Sixth Form Course Guide. 

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Registered Office: Community Building, Bridge Academy Trust, Brian Close, Chelmsford, Essex, CM2 9DZ.

Tel: 01245 202 937

