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Moulsham High School

Maths - Key Stage 3


Positive and negative numbers; mathematical concepts like ‘factor’, ‘multiple’ and ‘prime numbers’; squares, square roots, cubes and cube roots; how fractions, decimals and percentages relate to each other; ratio and proportion.



Adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing whole numbers, decimal numbers and fractions; using brackets; changing simple fractions to decimals or percentages and vice versa; calculating with fractions, decimals and percentages; multiplication tables to 12 x 12; rounding numbers, estimating answers and other ways to approach calculations mentally; using a calculator effectively.


Solving Numerical Problems

The most efficient ways to approach different kinds of problems; checking their work; giving answers to a suitable level of accuracy.



How to use letter symbols; formulae; how to solve equations and inequalities; sequences of numbers and the rules that govern them; expressing functions in words and symbols.


Shape, Space and Measure

The properties of triangles, rectangles, circles, cubes, two- and three-dimensional shapes; the sum of angles in a triangle; Pythagoras’s theorem; rotations, reflections, enlargement and translations and how these transformations affect shapes; co-ordinates; how to use instruments and scales for measuring; using appropriate units; how to convert between one unit and another; how to use instruments like rulers, protractors and compasses to construct two- and three-dimensional shapes.


Handling Data

Deciding what data is needed to solve problems; carrying out experiments and tests; gathering data in different ways, e.g. tables and questionnaires; presenting data in different ways, e.g. pie charts and diagrams; evaluating and checking results; how sample size may affect results; probability.


Using and Applying Mathematics

Students are taught to use and apply mathematics by solving increasingly demanding problems, where they:  break down the problem into smaller, more manageable steps;  use mathematical language, algebra and graphs;  reason about problems, developing chains of deductive reasoning. A scientific calculator is required for many aspects of the curriculum and ownership of such a calculator by each student is essential (we recommend a Casio fx-83GT PLUS model, or similar).

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