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Moulsham High School

Year 9 Options Evening

This Thursday, 30 January, we are holding our Year 9 Options Evening for students and their parents/carers.

The evening will run from 6pm - 8pm with presentations from Miss Mead (Headteacher) and Mr Alford (Year 9 Standards and Progress Leader) at 6.15pm and 7.15pm. Representatives from each department will be in attendance to provide additional, subject-specific information. 

During the evening you will be given a hard copy of the KS4 Curriculum Booklet and your child’s options form.

What happens next?

The Options Evening will be followed by the Year 9 Parents’ Evening on Thursday, 6 February.   At this, you will have an opportunity to talk to your child's subject teachers about their academic progress and options choices.  Members of the pastoral and student support teams will also be present. 

We advise students against trying to make decisions about their options choices too early and suggest that no final decisions are made until after Parents’ Evening.

The deadline for options forms to be returned is Friday, 28 February.

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