News from MHS
Dear Parent/Carer,
I hope you and your family are well.
During this second week of the Summer Term staff have continued to work hard supporting students with their home learning.
Teachers of Years 11 and 13 have also started the process of awarding the centre assessed grades which are replacing G.C.S.E.s and A levels this year. I am overseeing this important work myself and have had a number of very positive meetings with Heads of Faculty and Subject Leaders. They are being exceptionally thorough and conscientious as they consider which grades to award. The exam boards have changed the date on which we can begin to submit our grades from 29th May to 1st June. We are still awaiting the outcome of the Ofqual consultation on how BTEC and Cambridge National grades are to be awarded.
Finally, please could you check that your son/daughter is using their 365 microsoftaccount. This has emails and messages to them from their teachers. They must also check the "groups" section of their email, not just the inbox. This can be found at the bottom left hand corner
Yours sincerely,
Miss J Mead
Moulsham High School