New Character Points!
This term sees the launch of our new Moulsham High School ‘Character Points’. This will replace the BFL (Behaviour for Learning or Achievement Points). The new points system is inline with our whole school ethos of ‘Enjoy, Enrich, Achieve’ to nurture the students ‘Character’ which is a fundamental part of their development.
Assemblies have taken place as part of the launch explaining the importance of all these Character Values and given examples of how they can achieve Character Points from staff whether it is in lesson, around school, or involvement in extra-curricular activities.
Students will keep the points that they accrued so far but from this term on, they will be renamed as ‘Character Points’ and issued under the 9 Character Virtues. They initially count for 1 point (same as BFLs) and staff can award up to 3 points at a time. We will continue to celebrate in assemblies the House, Forms, and individual students that are achieving the most points.
Here are just some examples of New Year, New Term goals that students can do to develop Character and achieve Character Points:
- Join a new club
- Undertake the Moulsham Award
- Complete online learning such as Mathswatch
- Enter a House competition
- Read at least 3 books before ½ term
- Research careers or courses
Aim to achieve at 1 character point a day
Thanks to our Student leadership team: Will Smith, Heidi Ryder, Ellie Matthams, Jack Roberts, Rory Aisworth and Ruby Walker for contributing to the launch with students whilst also undertaking their Year 13 Prelims.