Bridge Academy Trust Book Awards
Moulsham' Library hosted the first BAT Book Awards Ceremony on 22nd June.
Students from Moulsham High, Notley High and Ramsey Academy came together to celebrate and discover which book had been voted as our winner. Five books had been shortlisted and this was the second visit to Moulsham High for Book Club students, who had also joined us last term for author Ele Fountain’s visit. It was great to meet again and hear about how Ele’s visit had inspired them.
Students voted the spooky and funny Dread Wood by Jennifer Killick as our 2023 winner! This book about a Saturday detention at Dread Wood High School really grabbed the attention of our students!
We awarded certificates and prizes for Most Enthusiastic Book Group Member (jointly awarded to Olga (Year7) and Sophie (Year 8), Best Review, Best Poster and Best Creative Writing.
It was great to see students chatting to each other about their favourite books and working together to win the book-related quizzes. We had a fantastic day and are looking forward to the BAT Book Awards 2024!
We were pleased with all the positive feedback from Notley and Ramsey students. Comments from Moulsham High students included:
'I loved the BAT Book Awards! The quizzes were so much fun and it was nice meting with other schools. It was no surprise Dread Wood won as I really enjoyed the book!' - Ashlee Year 7
'I really enjoyed the BAT Book Awards. Melt was my favourite book – I was disappointed it didn’t win! I hope to do it again next year' - Madeline ( Year7)
'The BAT Book Awards were amazing! I read books I probably wouldn’t have read otherwise and thoroughly enjoyed them. I am very pleased that Dread Wood won, it was my favourite!' Imogen (Year 7)
Well done to all the students who participated in the Book Awards!