Assemblies by Colchester United, Football in the Community
Last Week Colchester United, Football in the Community, delivered an assembly to our Year 7, 8, 9 and 10s on You vs. Train, the campaign they're supporting to educate and raise awareness of the dangers of the railway network to young people.
Did you know that 25,000 volts of electricity run through the overhead cables that power your train? Or that this power can jump? Or that trains can silently reach speeds of 125mph? Or that the power for the railway is never turned off?
Stepping on the tracks can result in life changing injuries and that’s why CUFITC is proudly supporting EFL Trust and the You Vs Train campaign, to educate our young people about the potential dangers of the railway.
They will also be back on 24th October to deliver assemblies to our Year 7 students on knife crime and Years 8 – 10 on radicalisation & extremism.